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National Carers Week 2021

During this week, we raise awareness about the diversity of carers in our community and their role in supporting the community & recognising the 2.65 million carers in Australia.

We all know someone who is a formal or informal carer for a relative or a friend. They come ahead and put their lives and wellbeing on hold to provide unpaid care and it could be easy for them to fall through the cracks.

National Carers Week, an initiative of Carers Australia helps us recognise the profound impact of the carers in our community. It helps us promote the opportunities to educate & share services & resources available to support carers who support a range of daily activities to someone that has a disability, mental illness, chronic condition, terminal illness or who are of frail age.

This year the theme of National Carers Week is "Millions of Reasons to Care"

Let us all come together to thank all the carers around us, share resources, promote carer friendly practices and show your support.


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